We thought you might like to see some of the experiences and inspirations that have helped us evolve as artists. The road has been long and winding and we're still traveling. We hope your journey has brought you laughter, love and illumination and that our paths may someday cross.
With Warm Aloha, Kate and Will

Will is firing one of the first "Flow" pieces. This series has taken about a year from conception to the completion of a finished form. This is a direction we'd like to explore over the next few years. Pottery is such a meditative art form. In addition to form and imagery, much time is spent thinking about how to achieve technical quality.

We infuse and burnish colored mica into terra sigilatta to achieve a subtle surface luster.

This is one of the few photos we have of both of us during our two-month residency in New Zeland. Mahalo to Mathew for sending this to us. Wellington Potters are a lively bunch of creative spirits and we are delighted to have spent time with them. Cool city that we hope to return to one day.

We were honored to have Peter Stichbury's treadle wheel to use while we were in Muriwai, New Zealand. Also appreciative of the use of Patricia Perrin's home and studio; both giants in the world of NZed potters. Mahlo nui to Earthskin ~ Nancy, Veronique Steph and Pamela

Great studio space in Hamilton with very savvy potters participating. Mahalo nui to Trish for being the logistics queen and Jasmin and ohana for their gracious hospitality.

Early ideas about the flow series. We were not able to attend NCECA 2013, but loved the energy around the theme flow. It got us thinking about the flow of ideas, the flow of lava, the flow of water and the flow of time. We could spend a lifetime pondering flow.

Will is brushing mica infused slips onto the bone dry clay surface.

Donkey Mill Art Center, honored by Hawaii County Council for "Outstanding Contributions to the Big Island Community". This photo was taken during the annual membership meeting with DMAC president, Thalia Davis and Hawaii County Councilwoman, Karen Eoff. Aw shucks! Love you Donkey Mill

Beautiful artist run gallery space developed by Tiffany deEtte Shafto, Mary Spears and Kathy Long. So many inspiring conversations on the state of the arts in Hawaii.

Kate Jacobson, Tip Toland, Setsuko Morinoue, Claire Seastone & Anne Catlin; what a powerful group of artists.

Raku Ho'olaule'a is a beach camp out and raku firing that gathers over 100 artists in fellowship and burning bliss. It's been happening 40+ years on Oahu and we were humbled to receive First Place in 2011.
Also in photo with Kate is Eduardo Lazo (L) and David Roberts (R). Painting with Smoke workshop, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts.
Jordan-Culatti Ceramics Studio
Now studying International Affairs at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon